We make use of both traditional and modern wedding ceremonies. Both can easily be personalized and any part of the ceremony can be customized to fit your style and personality. Personal wedding vows are perfect for the bride and groom who desires to honor one other by putting into words the unique feelings they have toward each other. There are many parts to a wedding (see my Free Sample Wedding Ceremony Program). Two of the most important elements in a wedding ceremony are the wedding vows and the ring exchange vows. Below is a list of sample traditional and modern wedding vows for you to consider. Both can easily be personalized and any part of the ceremony can be customized to fit your style and personality.
Additional wedding elements like unity candles, the rose or sand ceremony, can also be included as well. The length of the ceremony from the time the bride walks in, until the time both the bride and groom walk out together can be as short or as long as you like. Normally wedding ceremonies are between 15–30 minutes depending what you would like to include in the ceremony (special readings, special music, etc.). Your wedding ceremony can be as simple or as creative as you like, plus it can be bilingual; Spanish / English.
Once you confirm the date of your wedding with me, I will assist you each step of the way. Personal wedding vows are perfect for the bride and groom who desires to honor one other by putting into words the unique feelings they have toward each other.
If you have found special vows, or would like to use traditional vows as well as personal written vows we can easily place those in your ceremony.
Here are Several Sample Vows
Wedding Vows A ("Repeat-after-me" Vows) Please join hands and face to each other to express your vows of love and devotion. To the Groom: _______, repeat this vow to _______ after me: I _______, take you _______, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part; as God is my witness, I give you my promise. • To the Bride: Likewise, _______, repeat this vow to ______ after me: I _______, take you _______, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part; as God is my witness, I give you my promise.
Wedding Vows B (The “I Do” Vows short) These vows required less talk from the bride and groom except for two important words, "I do". (To the Groom) Do you take__________, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part? (He answers “I do” ) (To the Bride) Do you take _________, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part? (She answers “I do”)
Wedding Vows C (The “I Do” Vows) (To the Groom) “Do you ____________, in the presence of God and these assembled witnesses, promise to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in prosperity and in adversity, this woman whose right hand you now hold? Do you promise to be to her in all things a true and faithful husband, to be devoted unto her, and to her only, as long as life shall last? And do you take her to be your lawful, wedded wife, as long as you both shall live? Do you?” (He answers, “I do.”) (To the Bride) “Do you, ____________, in the presence of God and these assembled witnesses, promise to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in prosperity and in adversity, this young man whose right hand you now hold? Do you promise to be to him in all things a true and faithful wife, to be devoted unto him, and to him only, as long as life shall last? Do you take him to be your lawfully, wedded husband, as long as you both shall live? Do you?” (She answers, “I do.”)
Wedding Vows D (More Contemporary) (To the Groom) ______, do you come before this gathering of friends and family to proclaim your love and devotion for _______? Do you promise to affirm her, respect her, and care for her during times of joy and hardship? Do you commit yourself to share your feelings of happiness and sadness? Do you pledge to remain faithful to her and her only as long as life shall last? And do you take her to be your lawful, wedded wife, as long as you both shall live? Do you? ("I Do") (To the Bride) _______, do you come before this gathering of friends and family to proclaim your love and devotion for _______? Do you promise to affirm him, respect him, and care for him during times of both joy and hardship? Do you commit yourself to share your feelings of happiness and sadness? Do you pledge to remain faithful to him and him only as long as life shall last? And do you take him to be your lawful wedded husband, as long as you both shall live? Do you? ("I Do")
Traditional Wedding Vows E (Updated Language) (To the Groom) Do you _______, in the presence of God and these assembled witnesses, promise to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, this woman whose hand you now hold? Do you promise to be to her in all things a true and faithful husband, to be devoted unto her, and only her? And do you take her to be your lawful, wedded wife, as long as you both shall live? Do you? (He answers, “I do.”) (To the Bride) Do you ________, in the presence of God and these assembled witnesses, promise to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, this man whose hand you now hold? Do you promise to be to him a true and faithful wife, to be devoted unto him, and only him? And do you take him to be your lawfully, wedded husband, as long as you both shall live? Do you? (She answers, “I do.”)
Sample Ring Vows
The Ring Vows: (“Repeat-after-me” Vows) (To the Groom) “____________, what token do you have today to give to your bride as a symbol your love and affection and as a seal of your marriage?” (He answers, “A Ring.”). Groom will you take your ring and place it upon Bride's left hand, and repeat after me this promise: “I, __________________/ take thee ________________/ to my wedded wife/ to have and to hold/ from this day forward/ for richer for poorer/ for better for worse/ to be devoted unto thee/ and to thee only/ as long as we both shall live./ With this ring/ I thee wed/ with loyal love/ I thee endow/ all my worldly goods/ with thee I share/ in the name of the Father/ and of the Son/ and of the Holy Spirit/ Amen.” (To the Bride) “____________, what token do you have today to give your husband as symbol of your love and affection and as a seal of your marriage?” (She answers, “A Ring.”) Bride will you take your ring and place it upon Groom's left hand, and repeat after me this promise: I __________________/ take thee, ________________/ to my wedded husband/ to have and to hold/ from this day forward/ for richer for poorer/ for better for worse/ to be devoted unto thee/ and to thee only/ as long as we both shall live. With this ring/ I thee wed/ with loyal love/ I thee endow/ in the name of the Father/ and of the Son/ and of the Holy Spirit/ Amen.”
Ring Ceremony (More Contemporary and Less Religious) I, ___________ take you, ___________ to be my wedded wife. With this ring, I commit my life to our partnership in marriage. I promise to comfort you, to encourage you in all walks of life. I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you and to listen to you in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I love you and you are my closest friend. I, ___________ take you, ___________ to be my wedded husband. With this ring, I commit my life to our partnership in marriage. I promise to comfort you, to encourage you in all walks of life. I promise to express my thoughts and emotions to you and to listen to you in times of joy and in times of sorrow. I love you and you are my closest friend.
Traditional Ring Ceremony (Updated Language) I ____,/ take you ____,/ to be my wedded wife/ to have and to hold/ from this day forward/ for richer for poorer/ for better for worse/ to be devoted unto you/ and only you/ as long as we both shall live./ With this ring/ I thee wed. “I ____,/ take you ____,/ to be my wedded husband/ to have and to hold/ from this day forward/ for richer for poorer/ for better for worse/ to be devoted unto you/ and only you/ as long as we both shall live./ With this ring/ I thee wed.
Personalized Exchange of Rings. ________ will you take your ring and place it upon ________ left hand, and repeat after me this promise: Take this ring as a sign of my faith and commitment to our love, and share this joy with me today. Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger, of my eternal love, surrounding you and enfolding you day and night. With this ring, I seal the commitment I have made to you today; may you wear it proudly as my wife. _______ will you take your ring and place it upon _______ left hand, and repeat after me this promise: Take this ring as a sign of my faith and commitment to our love, and share this joy with me today. Let it remind you always, as it circles your finger, of my eternal love, surrounding you and enfolding you day and night. With this ring, I seal the commitment I have made to you today; may you wear it proudly as my husband.
What's Next?
Give me a call, send me an email or complete the Wedding Detail Form to see if I have the date available. Weddings occur every weekend so don't wait to call or email. After you confirm the date with me, decide if you and your fiance want to get together and meet. Next make a $50. deposit to hold the date. I then develop and send you a customized wedding ceremony outline, for you to review, based on the information you've provided through the Wedding Detail Form and through our email & phone conversations. Your ceremony can include as many of the cultural, traditional, religious, and family rituals that you like. Remember it's your wedding.
After you have reviewed the first draft of your wedding ceremony outline I work with you to create the most memorable, unique and beautiful wedding ceremony you have ever imagined. You will love your wedding ceremony. Plus, at no charge (and at your request) I will send you a copy of the detailed wedding ceremony after the wedding.